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Sponsor Proposal​


Benefits of sponsoring COLAB24 Offsite Innovation in Construction Conference include the following:


  • 5 x delegate registrations to conference (valued at $9,975 + gst)

  • Exhibitor booth within the expo area (valued at $2,950 + gst)

  • Brand profile in public showcase area

  • Electronic direct marketing (eDMs), sponsor brand included

  • Brand alignment with key speakers

  • Inclusion in newsletters, sponsor brand included

  • Brand on dedicated COLAB24 website and

  • All related social media post branding, sponsor brand included

  • Conference in-room promotional material, sponsor brand included at delegate tables



$15,000 ex GST

For more details, contact Scott Fisher


Exhibitor Opportunities


Top five reasons why YOU should exhibit at COLAB24:


  1. Align your products and services with this increasingly important sector

  2. Raise your company profile and equity through direct interaction with your key target audience allowing you to generate highly qualified leads.

  3. Position your brand alongside those shaping the future of offsite manufacturing - including key industry bodies, trade associations and media.

  4. Learn more about the sector with Session Leaders from around the world and identify opportunities for future collaboration and knowledge transfer.

  5. Take advantage of the open-space venue allowing your stand to be fully visible throughout the conference day.​


COLAB24: Offsite Innovation in Construction Conference is open to a range of exhibitors including offsite manufacturers and component suppliers who wish to showcase quality systems and solutions. Our exhibitors include some of the industry's leading and emerging names, who are developing the most innovative products, systems and processes which are helping to advance offsite technology.​


COLAB24 brings you two exhibitor options!


Option 1 - Expo Space:

  • Space with partition walls and table provided

  • 1 x Delegate spaces (additional delegates at discounted rates)

  • Company logo and Exhibitor information on COLAB24 website listing 

  • Banner at event

  • Photograph of exhibition stand post-event (social media/website)

  • Logo on Master Presentation Slide

  • Mention/Acknowledgement during event

  • Invitation to attend post-conference networking function


The Expo Space will be placed in the same area as all day-time conference catering (morning + afternoon tea & lunch). We will endeavour to place all stands around the catering, affording all exhibitors plenty of exposure and chance to mingle with other delegates. 



OffsiteNZ Member $1,950 ex GST

Non member: $2,950 ex GST




Option 2 - Showcase (available to OffsiteNZ business membership holders only):

Let us showcase your business / products / services! 

Provide us with:

  • 3 x high resolution images

  • High resolution logo

  • Contact details

  • Brief information 


We will do the rest and create an A3 poster to be displayed in the expo area. Please send us all information mentioned above by clicking on the button below. Please ensure to do so no later than 30 May 2024.


Cost: Free to OffsiteNZ business membership holders






Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!


Your exhibitor information will be displayed on our COLAB24 dedicated website well ahead of conference date. This will include company profile, product or service details/offering, logo and link to your website.

Optional: add a promo video!


Optional Get more interactions and enquiries by providing a conference day promo special to delegates.


Optional Advert banner to display on COLAB24 website. 


Optional Provide downloadable material and resources (brochures, articles, posters etc on COLAB24 website)

COLAB24 Offsite Innovation in Construction

Thanks to our Partners and Sponsors

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Contact Us

  • Visit the OffsiteNZ website here

  • Find out about becoming a OffsiteNZ Member here

  • Contact an OffsiteNZ team member here

Fill in the contact form below
Instantly Facebook message us here

Thanks for submitting!

© 2020 by OffsiteNZ 

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